Dry Ribs

February 16, 2019

Dry Ribs

A family favourite. Hands down, mostly served with any kind of Tex Mex dips, but they have been requested for birthday dinners with baked poatoes.

Add some seasoning salt to the ribs and let them bake! Finger foods couldn’t get any easier and 0 Carbs.
Course Appetizer, Main Course
Cuisine North American
Keyword Pork Ribs, Seasoning Salt


  • Pork ribs cut into individual pieces
  • Seasoning salt


  1. Pre Heat oven to 350.
  2. Depending on the amount of ribs you are making, line one or two baking sheets with parchment.
  3. Place ribs on baking sheet/s without crowding. Sprinkle liberally with seasoning salt.
  4. Cook for 1 hour. Remove and serve.

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