The Story Teller and The Comedian

The Story Teller and The Comedian

Above Photo: B and K New York, 2017

B is my oldest. She is beautiful, thoughtful, and logical. A linguist and a rule follower. She is constantly telling stories (real and imagined) from the moment she wakes in the morning, to well after bedtime when she sneaks downstairs just to tell me one more. B is also my T1D. She was 19 months old when she was diagnosed and very articulate at time. We were able to explain to her what and why things were happening, with very little revolt, especially considering her age. Since then she has had her ups and downs with diabetes, but she has never known a life without it, so she doesn’t let it stand in her way.

K is our comedian. I’m sure that a day doesn’t go by where she doesn’t make us all laugh. She is beautiful, affectionate, and emotional. She is a risk taker, a little bit mischievous, and if she had a single mission in life, it would be to make her sister laugh. K is currently involved in the TrialNet study and is monitored every 6 months. If she is eventually diagnosed with T1D I’m not sure that it will go as smoothly as with her sister, but it certainly will have its laughs along the way.