Shop our Pod and Dexcom Covers

July 1, 2018

Shop our Pod and Dexcom Covers

We are very excited to announce that our online store is now live any ready to fulfil orders!

We have a wide selection of durable, waterproof, reusable covers for the Omnipod and Dexcom systems.

Why we decided to make the covers.

For years my daughter was on the Animas Ping pump.  She would wear it inside of these beautiful belts that her Baba would custom make her. She had a design to go with every outfit and event. The belts gave her two main things, a way to hide the “medical look” of the pump and tubing, and gave her an outlet for expressing herself. Last fall when Animas announced that they would no longer operate in Canada we decided to give Omnipod a try. B was happy to say goodbye to tubing but a little sad to put away her pump belts. Fast forward a few months, she was loving the Omnipod, but not loving the look of it. We tried decorating them with Sharpies but they faded quickly. We tried nail polish and paints, but the smell was terrible. We eventually looked to purchase some kind of cover for the pods, and although there were some available, we found that they were either expensive, not very durable, or unavailable in Canada. So we set out to make our own! When we put the first cover her pod she was so happy to express herself and to have the pod look like a cool accessory. When we saw how excited she was to wear them, we decided to try to share that joy with other T1D’s in the hope that it would help make inset and sensor changes a little bit better. In our home we have the Omnipod and Dexcom systems, which is why these are our first covers available. We are in the process of expanding to other devices.

About our products.

When we decided to make our covers for others we set out to accomplish three main goals and we did.

  1.  To make affordable covers. We know how expensive diabetes can be and we wanted our covers to be accessible to anyone.
  2.  To make a durable product. Whether it’s being a kid, water, sports, or just life, wearable technology gets put through the ringer.
  3.  To offer designs for everyone. T1D can be a big label, but it doesn’t define you. We wanted to have designs for every interest and age group.

Our vinyl is made in the United States and printed and cut in Canada.

Our covers are waterproof and fade resistant.

Our designs are a collection of custom and purchased artwork. We can also create custom designs upon request.