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Yamitsuki (Japanese Cabbage Salad)

Yamitsuki (Japanese Cabbage Salad)

In Japanese Yamisuki means “addictive” which is an interesting descriptor for a very humble cabbage salad. The salad is often served with very rich food to refresh the palate.

Braised Pork Ribs

Braised Pork Ribs

The first time I had ever heard pf Braised Pork Ribs is while thumbing through Marcella Hazan’s Classic Italian Cookbook. Marcella Hazan is considered one of the best Italian cooks and cookbook authors. She changed the way North Americans cooked Italian.

Simple Tomato Sauce with Sausage

Simple Tomato Sauce with Sausage

The simplest sauces are sometimes the best. This recipe has proven the test of time, served over pasta just as it is; or with any additions you have a particular craving for at the time. We scramble fried Spolumbo’s Spicy Chicken Sausage and WOW!

Sautéed Green Beans

Sautéed Green Beans

Green Beans have been harvested for centuries in South and Central America. Christopher Columbus brought them to Europe on his second excursion. And before that they were merely decorative in Europe and inedible.

Seared Tenderloin and Parmesan Cream

Seared Tenderloin and Parmesan Cream

We drizzled Parmesan Cream over Tenderloin resting on grilled baguettes for New Year’s, dipped French Fries in it and had there been any left the next day, we would have tossed it with pasta. Not a drop was to be wasted!

Kachumber (Indian Cucumber Salad)

Kachumber (Indian Cucumber Salad)

Cucumbers, tomatoes and onions are a salad combination throughout the world. Kachcumer is unique because of the dressing – fresh squeezed lemon juice, also, pepper and sometimes cumin. No oil.

Christmas Charcuterie

Christmas Charcuterie

Add a bright card to the table with any Carb counts that you have for dips, crackers and condiments. and we always check for allergies with our guests before they arrive.

The Best Ever Fudge

The Best Ever Fudge

Fudge or “to mess up” got its start in the United States in the 1880’s when a college student intended to make caramel and messed up – and created Fudge. Originally fudge could and can be very fussy to make, but not with this recipe.

Carrot Coconut Ginger Soup

Carrot Coconut Ginger Soup

It is always nice to entertain during the Christmas Season, and we love serving little tastes of a nice hot soup. The soy sauce adds a bit of Unami and the fresh ginger adds the depth. Extra coconut milk freezes really well.

Turmeric Chickpeas with Spinach and Shishito Peppers

Turmeric Chickpeas with Spinach and Shishito Peppers

A hearty vegetarian meal, packed with flavour and topped with blistered Shishito Peppers. Shishito peppers are small, green peppers from Japan. Similar to a Spanish Padron pepper or a skinny Jalapeño, but nowhere near as spicy, except maybe for the odd one. We like to…