First, I just want to note that we haven’t received anything in exchange for our reviews of these products. They are simply products that we LOVE that have made our lives a bit easier.
Diabetes Supplies
We have tried a lot of skin prep products and this one is our favorite by far! It is extremely tacky when dry which helps with inset, pod, or sensor insertions, but it can also be used to re-adhere the dressing that starts to lift after a few days or lots of water exposure. You can purchase is through and other online medical suppliers.
One of the most painful part of pod (or inset when she was on Animas) and sensor changes for B is having to remove the old one. Most adhesive removers are only found in wipes and can have quite a strong chemical smell. Niltac is low odor and is available in an aerosol spray as well as wipes! We purchase it through a local medical supply store, but it is also available online at
I’m not sure where we would be without the Dexcom CGM, our lives would certainly be different. I allows us to be a lot more proactive in B’s care and gives us a lot of freedom to eat out, travel, and sleep soundly. It is however rather expensive and in Canada covered by very few insurance companies, although I have heard recently that this may be changing. If you are interested I suggest talking to your diabetes team as they may have some advice within your province of how to obtain so coverage. When we were using the G4 system we utilized the amazing Nightscout technology to remotely monitor B while at school, we are now on the G5 and use the app they have developed in conjunction with Apple. If you use the G4 or are Android users I highly suggest exploring Nightscout. Dexcom recently set up an office in Canada, so now you don’t need to go through the US for shipping and support. You can visit them at
Bioclusive Transparent Dressing
We used to be able to order this through Animas for about $45 per box of 100, but since they have left Canada I am having a bit of trouble sourcing it at a reasonable price. It is similar in look to the Tegaderm transparent dressing but the adhesive is much stronger. This is the only material that we have found that works in the pool and tub to secure the dressing around the Dexcom sensor when it really starts to lift. We cut a whole in the center and place it over the Dexcom.
Accu-Check Multi Click Lancets
I love this lancing device and lancets because they are completely contained. The lancing device looks similar to a pen with similar depth options as other lancets, however there are no exposed lancets to load and dispose of. You insert a cartridge that contains 6 individual lancets that are completely contained. Because each cartridge contains 6 lancets the number we end up packing and carrying around is less. You can get the device direct from Accu-Check and the lancets can be ordered at the pharmacy.
Maxilene 4 Topical Anesthetic
We don’t use topical anesthetic very often anymore, but when we started on Dexcom and the pump this took the anxiety and some of the pain away for B. I like Mailene because you get a much larger tube than with Emla for about the same price. Your insurance may also cover some of the cost of a topical anesthetic, so ask you diabetes team for a prescription.
We originally used this meter when B was first diagnosed and then switched when she went on the Animas Ping. She is now on the Omnipod and we are happy that we are back to the FreeStyle Lite test strips but are using the Omnipod PDM as our meter. Here are the reasons why the FreeStyle Lite Meter is still my favorite. Firstly, the FreeStyle Lite test strips need very little blood. Little, busy fingers are sometimes hard to get blood from and the less blood the better in my opinion. Secondly, the meter has a little light on the end which comes in very useful for those middle of the night checks when you want to make sure your T1D doesn’t wake. Lastly, the meter is small! It doesn’t take up a lot of room in a kit or pocket. If you are interested in a meter contact Abbott’s FreeStyle division.
Tile Mate
Now this isn’t really a diabetes product but we use it to keep track of the Omnipod PDM. When we switched from the Animas Ping, which has the option of delivering insulin on the remote and on the pump directly, to the Omnipod, that only doses through the PDM, we were worried about losing the PDM! So we ordered one of the small tiles and adhered it to the back of the PDM. Its find feature has saved us many times when the PDM has fallen into a laundry basket, was lost in the sheets, or stuck between the car seats. At the time we ordered the US Tile website did not ship to Canada so we bought on Amazon, but that may have changed so I suggest checking both before purchasing.
Kitchen Gadgets
Perfect Portions Digital Nutrition Food Scale

This is by far our favorite carb counting gadget!!! For the longest time I had two, one in my kitchen and one in the diaper bag for when we ate out…until it met an unfortunate demise on the tile floor. We love this scale because it comes with a built in nutrition label on the face and 2,000 preset foods. It is simple to use and easily allows you to calculate the carbs in anything from an apple to a bowl of ice cream. It also allows you to program in some of your favorite items. We use this feature a lot for restaurant favorites so we aren’t scrambling to looking up nutrition info on their websites as our food comes. It is sold on amazon, but the best price I’ve found is at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for $49.99. If you sign up for their emails, you will receive a 40% coupon that you can use as well!
You can get these almost anywhere you can buy kitchen gadgets. I have a 1 TBSP, 1.5 TBSP, and 2 TBSP in various brands and use them to get equal portions when baking cookies and muffins, when cooking meatballs, and they also come in handy for ice cream.
Our Favorite Zero’s
Sometimes a person’s blood glucose or blood sugars can be higher than the recommended range. It is important that they monitor carbs during this time and during periods of fasting. However, they may be hungry and at the same time should not be eating carbs.
Paleo diets have increased awareness of the low carb concept and there are many great recipes to cook.
Our “Go To Zero” (or almost zero) carb favorites are intended for on the go and are no refrigeration style foods, ready to throw in the back pack. *Cucumber and celery will make it a few hours.
Almonds, whole with skin – 2 CHO/4 TBSP
“Jell-O” cups, no sugar added – 1 CHO each
Moon Cheese, any flavor – 1 CHO/6 -7 pieces
Pine Nuts – 1 CHO/3 TBSP
Whisps, Parmesan Cheese Crisps – 1 CHO/15 pieces
*Cucumber with peel –2 CHO/1/2 cup
*Celery – 0 CHO/4” piece
Crystal Light Liquid Drink Mix – 0 CHO
Sparkling Ice Carbonated Drinks – 0 Calorie, 0 Carbs
Compliments Brand “fizzy” Carbonated Drinks – 0 Calorie, 0 CHO