
October 7, 2018




It seems every weekend we end up with omelettes, the inspiration for what type of omelette comes from whatever happens to be in the fridge. The most famous story about an omelette centers around Napoleon Bonaparte; who with his army stayed in a small village in the south of France. The local innkeeper made him an omelette and having enjoyed it so much ordered a huge omelette be made for the army the next day. A tradition that still exists, the town of Bessieres makes a huge omelette once a year. There have been many discussions about adding a little milk, cream or water to the eggs; we don’t. Fold it in half or thirds, brown or don’t brown. Omelettes are a new experience for us every time. Add whatever you have on hand or feel like and enjoy.  CHO will depend on your omelette.

Course Brunch
Cuisine French
Keyword eggs


Per Omelette

  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 TBSP butter


  • Cheese
  • Vegetables – fresh roasted or sautéed
  • Spinach
  • Herbs
  • Salsa
  • Cooked ham or bacon
  • Seafood
  • Sausage


  1. Chop whatever ingredients that will be used and heat, if desired.
  2. Whisk 2 eggs with salt and pepper until light and frothy.
  3. Heat 8-inch non-stick pan over medium heat and add butter. Use a pastry brush to cover the pans surface with butter and add egg mixture.
  4. Swirl the pan gently so that the eggs cover the pans surface. Let cook on medium low and once starting to set, use a spatula to lift edges of omelette and let eggs run underneath.
  5. Add fillings to one side of the omelette and continue to cook until eggs set. Tilt pan and slide omelette from pan onto a plate, letting the other half of the eggs cover the filling on the plate.

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