Grilled Peaches

September 8, 2019

Grilled Peaches

It might sound crazy, but we’ve had grilled peaches as a side dish with chicken, fish or pork; we’ve had it for dessert, and as part of the cheese board. Compliment the peaches with cheese, drizzle a little honey, or serve with some cookies/cake or ice cream.

Grilled Peaches

Course Appetizer, Dessert, Side Dish
Cuisine Chinese, European, North American
Keyword Blue Cheese, Goat Cheese, Peaches


Medium peaches are about 116 grams peeled and pitted. Approximately 8 – 9 CHO each. For an exact count weigh each one.

  • Peaches pair really well with blue cheese or goat cheese. One of our favorite goat cheese is made by Carmeli’s in Kelowna (Heavenly Goat Cheese) or a nice soft blue cheese.
  • Garnish with honey/lavender petals and fresh herbs of choice (chives/basil)


  1. Ripe peach skin will easily peel with a paring knife. If they need a little help, simply run really hot water over the peaches, placed in a colander, or plunge them into a *hot water bath for a minute.
  2. Cut peaches in half and remove pit.
  3. Toss with olive oil and place on hot (400) grill for 10 minutes. Remove and serve.
  4. *Hot Water Bath – Bring water to a simmer in a medium saucepan and plunge peaches in for a minute to loosen the skin.

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