Category: Salads

Oriental Rice

Oriental Rice

  This recipe came from my Mom’s best friend Marilyn; I have no idea where she got it. I love to prep this salad and the dressing earlier in the day and toss it together an hour or so before dinner. Marilyn adds ¾ tsp.…

Potato Salad

Potato Salad

Here is our favourite recipe, with and without eggs… of the first salads we make at the sign of spring….even if we are more than hopeful! This recipe has been handed down from generations in my mom’s family. Until recently, I never measured anything. It…

Roman Summer Salad

Roman Summer Salad

  Adapted from Giada’s Kitchen, New Italian Favorites A very typical salad in Rome, we love it with or without a drizzle of Balsamic reduction. If we had to choose we would go with no Balsamic so that you can enjoy all the flavors. Buy…

Strawberry and Chèvre Salad

Strawberry and Chèvre Salad

I think of this salad every spring in strawberry season! Adapted from the Best of Bridge Series. As with most salads, plate individually for an exact carb count. Otherwise the CHO will depend on the amount of which salad ingredients you take on your plate.…

Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad

  This is one of my Italian favorites and a must throughout the summer. If pressed for time a really good balsamic vinegar reduction and a bit of olive oil can be drizzled instead of making the dressing. This salad recipe was adapted from the…

Melon and Prosciutto

Melon and Prosciutto

  One of my favorite lunches in Italy. Whether you slice the cantaloupe or use a melon baller; the sweet fruit and salty prosciutto is absolutely wonderful. Top with fresh basil and it’s incredible on a hot summer day!

Asparagus with Red Wine Vinaigrette

Asparagus with Red Wine Vinaigrette

Asparagus is available year round, but the first shoots in the spring; February to June seem the best to us!   I have had this recipe for so long I cannot remember where it came from. The number of asparagus spears will depend completely on…