Red Haven are delicious, usually picked before Freestone and yet they do in fact have a free stone so peeling and pitting is very easy.
The freshest peaches are canned in a light simple syrup. Previous generations used quarts, but the last few times we’ve canned, we have used pints. The peaches and the syrup are Carb counted in case you enjoy one more than the other.
Buy as many peaches as you want and depending on their size; approximately 1.5 – 2 peaches (272 gr, peeled and pitted) will go into every pint, along with 14 TBSP syrup. Peaches vary in size, and some may be damaged. We buy 20 pounds and have some leftover to freeze and eat fresh.
Wash pints in the dishwasher just prior to using, along with lids and seals.