Wash cauliflower and red peppers. Remove stems and let air dry.
Place olive oil in large stock pot.
Drain ketchups into stock pot. (This may take 3 – 4 times draining and resting bottles upside down so that all ketchup is removed from the bottle.)
Drain all cans and jars.
We roughly shop the olives, onions, and mushroom pieces by hand. Add to the stock pot.
Our Kitchen Aid Food Processor attachment works like a charm for the cauliflower, peppers, and mixed pickles. (Mixed pickles are thicker than bread and butter and do not have the mustard seed. We chop the extra cauliflower at the bottom of the jar as well as the fresh.)
Add all ingredients to the stock pot except the tuna and the shrimp.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to keep at a good simmer for 20 minutes, stirring often.
Meanwhile heat tea kettle of water to boiling. Drain tuna and shrimp in a colander. Pour boiling water over the fish and after the 20 minutes simmering, add tuna and shrimp to the stock pot. Bring back to a boil and simmer another 10 minutes. (Total simmering time 30 minutes.)
Meanwhile, sterilize jars and lids with more boiling water.
Add antipasto to sterilized jars and place in a canner. Add water ¾ the way up the jars, cover with the lid and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat just enough to keep a rolling boil and process for 20 minutes. Remove jars and place on a dish towel, somewhere they can remain all night without being moved. Right side up.
The lids will pop as they seal on processed jars.
Repeat until all jars have been processed. We don’t let the jars touch one another while processing.
We get 28 cups from this recipe, and usually do about 9 pints and 10 half pints.
Store in a cool dark place.
Perfect for a “before the meal” snack with crackers. Sometimes we fancy it up and serve some cream cheese and smoked oysters along side.